Friday, January 2, 2009

On Job Interview, IT Professionals Advised to Show Strong Suit

Want to capture that next IT job? Many CIOs suggest they’re impressed by those wearing formal business suits to job interviews.

According to a survey conducted by the tech employment service Robert Half Technology, more than one-third of 1,400+ American CIOs say a business suit is the most appropriate interview attire. About one-quarter of the respondents cited khakis and a collared shirt as proper apparel as well as tailored separates. Says Robert Half Technology executive director Katherine Spencer Lee:
“Employers want to see that job candidates have made the effort to dress appropriately for the work environment. While a suit isn’t the best choice for every interview, it’s better to err on the side of overdressing versus appearing too casual.”
The CIOs were asked, What is the most appropriate interview attire for someone interviewing for an IT job with your company? Their responses:
  • Formal business suit, 35%
  • Khakis,collared shirt, 26%
  • Tailored separates, 24%
  • Jeans, polo shirt, 9%
  • Other, 6%
  • Lee suggests that when in doubt, candidates should ask an insider who works at the company to get advice on the employer’s work style and preferred interview attire. If you don't know anyone, just ask the person who will interview you.

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